
Journal and Book Chapter

  1. Samodra, G., Ramadhan, M.F., Sartohadi, J., Setiawan, M.A., Christanto, N., Sukmawijaya, A. 2020. Characterization of displacement and internal structure of landslides from multitemporal UAV and ERT imaging. Landslides 17, 2455–2468 . (link)
  2. Samodra, G., Ngadisih, N., Malawani, M.N., Mardiatno, D., Cahyadi, A., Nugroho, F. S. 2020. Frequency–magnitude of landslides affected by the 27–29 November 2017 Tropical Cyclone Cempaka in Pacitan, East Java. J. Mt. Sci. 17, 773–786. (link)
  3. Samodra, G., Hadmoko,D. S., Wicaksono, G. S., Adi, I. P., Yudinugroho, M., Wibowo, S. B., Suryatmojo, H., Purwanto, T. H., Widartono, B. S., Lavigne, F. 2018. The March 25 and 29, 2016 landslide-induced debris flow at Clapar, Banjarnegara, Central Java. Landslides. 15: 985. (link)
  4. Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Kasama, K. 2017. Comparing data-driven landslide susceptibility models based on participatory landslide inventory mapping. Environmental Earth Science 76:184. doi: 10.1007/s12665-017-6475-2 (link)
  5. Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Hadmoko, D, S., Kasama, K. 2016. Rockfall susceptibility zoning based on back analysis of rockfall deposits inventory in Gunung Kelir, Java. Landslides. doi:10.1007/s10346-016-0713-7 (link)
  6. Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Kasama, K. 2015. Generating landslide inventory using participatory mapping: an example in Purwosari Area, Yogyakarta, Java. Geomorphology. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.07.035 (link)
  7. Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Hadmoko, D. S., Kasama, K. 2014. Automated Landform Classification in a Rockfall Prone Area, Gunung Kelir Java. Earth Surface Dynamic, Vol 2, 339-348. (link)
  8. Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Kasama, K. 2014. Rockfall Hazard Assessment in Gunung Kelir Area Yogyakarta Indonesia. Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University. vol. 74, No. 2 pp. 37-51. (link)
  9. Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Zheng, L., Zhang, Y. B., Kasama, K., Hadmoko, D. S. Combining GIS and DDA for preliminary rockfall risk assessment in Gunung Kelir area Yogyakarta Indonesia. In Chen, G., Ohnishi, Y., Zheng, L., Sasaki, T. (Eds): Frontiers of Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Practical Simulation in Engineering and Disaster Prevention. Taylor and Francis Group, London. pp. 301-306, 2013. (link)
  10. Samodra, G., Sartohadi, J., Hadmoko, D. S. 2010. Identifikasi Kerentanan Tanah Longsor di Sub DAS Kayangan Yogyakarta (Identification of Landslide Vulnerability in Kayangan Catchment Yogyakarta) . Jurnal Alami Vol 15, No. 2, Desember 2010. (link)
  11. Sartohadi, J., Samodra, G., Hadmoko, D. S. 2010. Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using Heuristic Statistically Method in Yogyakarta Indonesia. International Journal of Geoinformatics Vol 6, No 3, September 2010. (link)