Journal and Book Chapter
- Samodra, G., Ramadhan, M.F., Sartohadi, J., Setiawan, M.A., Christanto, N., Sukmawijaya, A. 2020. Characterization of displacement and internal structure of landslides from multitemporal UAV and ERT imaging. Landslides 17, 2455–2468 . (link)
- Samodra, G., Ngadisih, N., Malawani, M.N., Mardiatno, D., Cahyadi, A., Nugroho, F. S. 2020. Frequency–magnitude of landslides affected by the 27–29 November 2017 Tropical Cyclone Cempaka in Pacitan, East Java. J. Mt. Sci. 17, 773–786. (link)
- Samodra, G., Hadmoko,D. S., Wicaksono, G. S., Adi, I. P., Yudinugroho, M., Wibowo, S. B., Suryatmojo, H., Purwanto, T. H., Widartono, B. S., Lavigne, F. 2018. The March 25 and 29, 2016 landslide-induced debris flow at Clapar, Banjarnegara, Central Java. Landslides. 15: 985. (link)
- Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Kasama, K. 2017. Comparing data-driven landslide susceptibility models based on participatory landslide inventory mapping. Environmental Earth Science 76:184. doi: 10.1007/s12665-017-6475-2 (link)
- Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Hadmoko, D, S., Kasama, K. 2016. Rockfall susceptibility zoning based on back analysis of rockfall deposits inventory in Gunung Kelir, Java. Landslides. doi:10.1007/s10346-016-0713-7 (link)
- Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Kasama, K. 2015. Generating landslide inventory using participatory mapping: an example in Purwosari Area, Yogyakarta, Java. Geomorphology. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.07.035 (link)
- Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Hadmoko, D. S., Kasama, K. 2014. Automated Landform Classification in a Rockfall Prone Area, Gunung Kelir Java. Earth Surface Dynamic, Vol 2, 339-348. (link)
- Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Kasama, K. 2014. Rockfall Hazard Assessment in Gunung Kelir Area Yogyakarta Indonesia. Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University. vol. 74, No. 2 pp. 37-51. (link)
- Samodra, G., Chen, G., Sartohadi, J., Zheng, L., Zhang, Y. B., Kasama, K., Hadmoko, D. S. Combining GIS and DDA for preliminary rockfall risk assessment in Gunung Kelir area Yogyakarta Indonesia. In Chen, G., Ohnishi, Y., Zheng, L., Sasaki, T. (Eds): Frontiers of Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Practical Simulation in Engineering and Disaster Prevention. Taylor and Francis Group, London. pp. 301-306, 2013. (link)
- Samodra, G., Sartohadi, J., Hadmoko, D. S. 2010. Identifikasi Kerentanan Tanah Longsor di Sub DAS Kayangan Yogyakarta (Identification of Landslide Vulnerability in Kayangan Catchment Yogyakarta) . Jurnal Alami Vol 15, No. 2, Desember 2010. (link)
- Sartohadi, J., Samodra, G., Hadmoko, D. S. 2010. Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using Heuristic Statistically Method in Yogyakarta Indonesia. International Journal of Geoinformatics Vol 6, No 3, September 2010. (link)